Friday, August 21, 2009

Being sick bites!

08/21/09 Well, I've been up all night with diarrhea. Mom stayed up with me and let me outside every 20 minutes! I have to stay away from food & treats for 12 hours and then start a bland diet again. If this doesn't work, there may be something serious going on and I will have to go in for more tests. That doesn't sound like too much fun...
So today, my goal is to drink a I don't get dehydrated. Don't want to go through that again! Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I got mail!!

I got a package in the mail!! I tried opening it myself, but Mom said I couldn't eat cardboard. Inside the box was my new elevated food/water bowls! This should also help with my food digestion. It was so exciting!!They're out of the box, so I try them out...Where's the food?!
I got a waterproof mat for under my bowls too...
Now, they're set up, so I try it out again...still no food.
Time for dinner...There's actually food in the bowl now! I was very impatient when Mom was washing the bowls. I knew that they were mine, and I wanted them.

Upset Stomach Again...

Why don't I feel good?!?! I was feeling great after coming home from the hospital...then all of a sudden, I started to feel crummy again. My stomach hurts again. I'm now back on medicine and just started a new food this morning. Hopefully that will help! This food has only one protein it should help with my digestion. Keep your fingers and paws crossed that this will be what I need.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Feeling better

08.08.09 I am finally feeling much better!! I had a rough couple of days and am glad to be home. I still wasn't feeling too good on Thurday, so I had to go to the doctor. Since I had been so sick, I had to get a fluid injection (under my fur) for dehydration. It looked like a giant water-balloon under the fur on my back. I got some medicine that I was told to take 2 times a day. One of my pills was the size of a 1/2 dollar! I was also supposed to start a very bland diet, to help my tummy get better.

After being home for about 4 hours, I started feeling really yucky again. I didn't have any energy, it hurt to stand up and I couldn't stop shaking. Mom and Dad immediately said that I had to go back to the doctor. doctors office was closed, so I had to go to the hospital. They told me right away that I needed to get an I.V. and would have to stay overnight. Cynrae was very sad to leave me there, but the doctor let her go back and see where I was going to sleep.

After some x-rays, pain meds, I.V.'s and special food, I was ready to go back home. They did see something in my stomach on the x-ray, but it didn't seem to be a problem. Looks like I have a bacterial infection. When everyone came to pick me up, I was SO EXCITED to see them. The fluids they gave me made me feel so much better. I came home and have been more of a puppy than I've ever been! I have so much energy! I am trying to remember the rules at home too...being gone for 24 hours is enough time to forget a few things.

Here I am after I came home. The pink bandage is where I had my I.V.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sick Puppy

08.05.09 Today I am not feeling well. I woke up around midnight with a huge mess in my crate. I tried so hard to be good...but I just couldn't help it. I have to take it easy today and hopefully my tummy feels better tomorrow...if not, it's off to the doctor. They say I could be allergic to my food, maybe I ate some bad dirt or maybe I got a bit of heat stroke. I'm hoping it's just a 24 hour bug and I will be back in buisness tomorrow. Mom took away my bones and rawhides and I really want them back! We'll wait and see.

Playing with Fred

07.27.09 My Playdate with Fred...
Fred, my 1 year old Mastiff friend, came over to play with me in my backyard. It was SO MUCH FUN! Everyone said that I looked really small next to Fred...just wait...I'm still growing!! I will probably be taller than him, but weigh about the same. I can't wait to play with him again. Next time we'll go to the doggie park! Yeah! Fred's head is HUGE!My head is about as big as his tounge!!

Best buddies...