Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

I must have been a good girl this year! Santa left me toys and treats under the tree. I love playing with my new football.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Waiting is tough

12.24.10 Patiently waiting for Santa...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Anyone want to play?

Anyone want to play???? This is my favorite toy to play with. I ate the squeaker out, but the ball still works just fine!I needed a better view of the backyard...Mom was laughing so hard while taking this picture!

New routine

09.20.10 Okay, I admit it...I am a little bit spoiled. My new daily routine goes like this. Get up and out of my kennel between 6 & 6:30, go outside and then race upstairs to Mom and Dad's bedroom before breakfast! I then sleep there while Mom takes the kids to school in the morning. Yesterday, I didn't get up until 11:30 when Mom came in and pushed me off the bed. She said that I couldn't sleep anymore...I'm beginning my teenage years and she just doesn't understand that I need my beauty sleep!! She also said that I am the reason why there is so much laundry. She needs to change the pillowcases daily!

Too Hot!

My super slobbery tounge! When it's hot outside, you may want to stay clear of my kisses!

Best bone EVER!

I love my cow bones!! I just have to remember not to leave them in the middle of the floor...Mom says they hurt if you accidently kick them!


I am not spoiled, really I'm not. Doesn't everyone like to get comfy while taking a nap?!

Monday, May 24, 2010

My pool

05.23.10 Since it was so hot outside...I got my very own pool in the backyard!!It's fun to jump and splash!
What a workout...I'm tired!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

1st Birthday!

04.12.10 Happy Birthday to me...Happy Birthday to me...Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee...Happy Birthday to me!!

I turned one today! My Birthday was fun and it was great getting new toys. Here I am checking out my new cow bone...YUM!I got this really cool rubber fish to play with outside! It's fun! Hanging out with my best buds...Blake and Cynrae!
This leather ring didn't last too long! I chewed through it it about 10 minutes...but it sure was fun while I had it! So much for "Tough Toys"...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy to be home

04.01.10 I'm back home!!! I went in for my surgery yesterday and was released this morning! I am SO HAPPY to be back at home. I am doing well, and have a ton of energy. The doctor said that I have to rest for 5 days, but I just want to play. So far, I am leaving my incision I didn't get to bring home a cool E-Collar (cone)...which I think is a probably good thing!Here is my incision. It's long because I had the 2 procedures done. I ended up with 40 staples. In 3 weeks, I get to go and get all of the staples removed.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Today is the big day. I am off to the vet to get spayed and to have my stomach tacked. I now weigh 82 pounds and am very healthy. I will get to spend the night at the hospital and then if everything goes well, I can come home tomorrow! I wonder if I will get one of those cool fashionable cones to wear around my neck...
Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My new apartment


I outgrew my wire kennel, so Dad and Mom decided to build me my very own kennel under the staircase. This is what it looked like before. There was a small built in with 2 shelves already there. (That's where Mom kept her photo albums!) Once it was opened up, it looked more like home. Dad put in the subfloor, insulated and drywalled for me.
Here I am testing it out...I fit! In my old kennel, I could not stand up without hitting my back.
Here it is almost done. It's now painted and the tile is in. As you can see it comfortably fits 4!!
This is my "sitting area". This is the space under the stairs. I have a bed in there for over night guests!!
I love my new apartment!! I still need to decorate, but it's fully functional for now.
This is how it looks from the outside. I even have my own night light up on top.
Do you like my door mat?!


Wow, I haven't been on here in awhile! A lot has happened in the last 2 months. I am still getting up to my ideal weight. I eat 9 cups of food a day and drink between 2-4 gallons of water!

During the month of February, I went into heat....and since I'm not fixed yet, it was stressful on everyone. I was supposed to get fixed back in October, but then I became really sick. I had to wait until I was 100% better without loose stools. The week before I was supposed to go in, my heat cycle started. The doctor would not do the surgery because of how swollen I was. I now have to wait about 2 more weeks and will hopefully be able to have the surgery. When I go in to get spayed, I am also going to have the gastropexy done. This surgery is when they tack my stomach to my side to try and prevent bloat. Great Danes are very prone to bloat. Hopefully this will prevent bloat from happening and I will live a long and happy life.

In this picture I am sitting on the couch...I just back up to the couch and sit! All of the furniture had to be covered while I was in heat.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Scale

01.13.10......Today I went to get weighed at the vet. (I just turned 9 months old yesterday!) I did not want to stand on the scale. I needed to greet everyone in the waiting room!
I'm finally on track! I weighed in at 71.4 pounds!! I should be between 85-120 pounds, but I lost so much weight from being sick. Everyone was happy with my weight...seeing as my last weigh in was only 39 pounds. We'll see what I am up to next month!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Showing off my height

01.06.10...........Showing off my height in the kitchen! When I am standing up, my nose is level with the counter.